Now this is an odd letter to write. Normally we are the ones receiving wishes of safety and well being during or before hurricanes and tropical storms. This time we are sitting by our computers relying on the media to report what is happening to the East Coast in the aftermath of Sandy, the super storm. How odd, but if anyone knows how to deal with storms and Hurricanes, it is us, Residents and business owners in Playa del Carmen, Mexico where we have seen and been through a few storms ourselves. Maybe we should call this the Storm Sisterhood and Brotherhood as we all now know what a horrible storm can do!
Playa del Carmen is thinking of our East Coast friends in the aftermath of Sandy
Dear residents of the Eastern Coast of the United States and Canada and those Canadians on the Great Lakes and the St Lawrence seaway,
Our hearts go out to you and your families. Our prayers are with you and know that we understand any challenges that you are going through at this time. Transportation has ceased, with hopes to have it up and running. Homes are without electricity, people are stranded and First Responders are doing all they can do to help save those who are stuck and without shelter. For those effected by the horrific fire in Queens, we can not image this situation and lend out hearts out to those who have lost their homes or suffered reprehensible damage. This we could not imagine and the community that is coming together to help others is a miracle and a sign that people still care.
As we sit and watch video, review photos of the damage, think back to the days of Wilma when we found ourselves in a similar situation, all we can say is, this will end, this will repair itself, you will be fine and be thankful for your neighbors and friends who lend a hand. Disasters of this nature only bring out human kindness, generosity and humanness. We have witnessed this in our backyard, and know that East Coat residents are also witnessing and benefits from the core of all humans, to help others and maintain safety of anyone, and everyone whether you know them or not.
Though the destruction of a storm is not beautiful, the community that rises from this is. Any perceived barriers that existed before Sandy between people are also destroyed and we all become, humans that can help each other. We have found that these broken walls have remained destroyed since the Hurricanes have passed and our quality of life, our quality of relationships have remained strong. Though a storm is heartbreaking, the acts of courage, the acts of generosity, the acts of kindness fill the void that the storm has created and fills each person with hope, trust and thankfulness for each other.
The East Coast is naked, power is out, physical damage is done, but you will remember the true acts of kindness that come your way, forever. This nakedness strips us of our physical world but fills our personal, spiritual and emotional world more than any light can ever provide.
We are here for you, we are thinking of you, no matter what you are experiencing, alone or with family and friends, strangers or first responders, we are thinking of you and know that your world will be a better place in the end. Ours was and continues to be.
Owners and staff of Hotel Cielo
Hurricane Wilma survivors October 2005
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Photo courtesy of CNN